Kitzhoff Inn Vermont Ride

A weekend trip has been scheduled starting July 25th, staying at the Kitzhoff Inn in Vermont.
The countryside is beautiful, the roads lots of fun to drive, and the hospitalitly of the owners of the inn outstanding.
Rides have been planned there for the last two years. Unfortunately, last year a number of persons who had signed up to go cancelled their reservations at the last minute, causing a hardship for the owners of the Kitzhoff.
If you are interested in making the ride this year leaving Friday am on July 25, returning on Sunday July 27th, please send an email to asap. We need to notify the Kitzhoff folks asap if we want to reserve rooms for that weekend. We may be required to provide a deposit to hold a room.
It’s a great trip – wonderful views, good roods, lots to see and do! Hope you’ll plan to attend!!!!!!!!!
Walt Nowakowski, Ride Leader