MDA Ride for Life

The MDA Ride For Life is this Sunday, June 29 2014 with registration at 10:00 and kickstands up at 11:00. The 60 mile ride will go around Otisco Lake and end at the Limp Lizard Bar and Grill on Onondaga Boulevard where there will be food, music, prizes and raffles.

If you prefer to participate in a different way, several HOG members have already signed up to volunteer on Sunday with registration, parking, etc. but we can always use more help. If you would like to help a great cause, there will be a VOLUNTEER meeting at the Limp Lizard Bar and Grill on Onondaga Boulevard at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, June 27.

So come join us Friday to learn how to help keep all those riders organized or even better, come on Sunday for the ride.

Hope to see you there !!