
This Saturday, Dec. 17th is a busy day at Performance Harley Davidson. Pictures with Santa, Salvation Army Red Kettle and free gift wrapping.
Syracuse HOG members are volunteering with all the festivities.
The following have volunteered to ring the Red Kettle Bell.
9:00 Karen Whedon
10:00 Christine Lanfair
11:00 Ron Lanfair
12:00 Jim Allen
3:00 Karen Whedon (unless someone else volunteers)
4:00 Salvation Army will be picking up kettle

The following individuals have volunteered to do free Gift Wrapping. PHD will supply everything needed. There will be a tip jar and money collected goes directly to the chapter.
9:00 Terry Lynn Clark
10:00 Terry Lynn Clark
11:00 Jody Van Auken
12:00 Jody Van Auken
1:00 Bill Czezusniak
Anyone is more than welcome to come and help out with the bell ringing or the gift wrapping at any time regardless if someone is already signed up; THE MORE THE MERRIER !!!!!

Contact me if you want to join the fun. In the meantime, drive safely and SEE YOU ON SATURDAY
Karen Whedon